Reap what you sow 👩‍🌾 

Part 2

#positiveyouthdevelopment #peertopeermentoring #nearpeermentoring #ojjdpyouthviolenceprevention #srae #pygmalion
Be sure to contact us if you are interested in joining the team!!! #changelives
Episode 4 of Being Human.
John Williams TedTalk will premiere on the Life That Counts Facebook page, don’t miss it!!! #campusculture #teenhealth #socialemotionallearning #lifethatcounts
Hackleburg Mentors reporting for session!!! #socialemotionallearning #peersupport #peertopeer #mentoring #lifethatcounts #campusculture
Knowing yourself is the first step to a healthier mindset. Stand firm in your boundaries, beliefs, and values. 

Taking personality tests is a great way to learn about yourself and those around you. Click the link to get started
You. Are. Enough. 
Just as you are
Set an example that people want to follow, you never know who looks up to you!!! #lifethatcounts #foodforthought #setanexample #leadershipquotes
Regulation is the masterful art of maintaining a healthy composure when you face a stressful situation, event, or circumstances which could cause you to have an amygdala, or as I've come to call it, an emotional hijack.  The ability to regulate gives your best thinking self the opportunity to shine in the moments that matter most.

In this episode, you'll hear the contrast between rumination and regulation, and how sleep plays a critical role in your daily production, output, and ultimate successes. 

Find this and other episodes of the podcast by visiting us at

#coregulation #corumination #FiveCsofDevelopment #PeakPerformance #PigmalionEffect #Temperament #SupportSystem #HealthyRelationships
It’s important that we stay mentally healthy, listen to John talk about staying positive mindset for success. #mentalhealthawareness #positivemindset #campusculture #lifethatcounts
Inner work will be the work that pays off the most! Get to know yourself, strengths and weaknesses can be your foundation.
Agree or Disagree?  Why?
#fiveclosestfriends #woundsofafriendarefaithful #growth #stagnant #onlywayforwardisup #leadtheway #leadyourselffirst #dontaimtoleadothers #masterself
Your self worth determines your own value #selfworth #confidence #selfmastery #wisdom #multitudeofcounselors #mentormoment
It’s not motivation #assembly #publicspeaking #schoolcounselors #campusculture #socialemotional #teenhealth #mentalhealth