Following the best practices for youth mentoring, upperclassmen are recruited, screened and selected, and then trained on how to serve as peer mentors to underclassmen. In adolescent development, younger peers have a strong desire to fit in with the older kids. When the older kids are intentional about pursuing healthy goals like pursuing and finishing education, launching into a career, and then starting a family by marrying and then having kids, those types of future focused values create a map, or a sequence for success!
but how are they using it.
We believe your campus can be a healthy place for all students: Psychically, Mentally, Emotionally and Socially.
We accomplish this by engaging older adolescent youth to be more intentional with their influence as they lead their underclassmen peers in mentor groups.

Young people are really smart and in today’s technological and fast paced world with information at their fingertips, we present a medically accurate message filled with information to they can use to think through the long terms goals they set for their own lives. This message is reinforced through peer group discussions in their mentor groups and activities like the “Life Juggle.”
The Life Juggle is a fun activity which calls for volunteers to come up and help out if they would like. The volunteer is given textbook for a class, a ball for the sport they like, a homework assignment, a broom representing chores at home, and other items as their peers make suggestions on what to add – all the while, the volunteer is holding all of the items in their arms. Then the peer mentor coach adds a baby doll to the mix and talks through the demands of caring for a newborn baby. Did you know that parents of newborns get on average 56% less sleep the first year of their child’s life than they previously got? That’s really tough when you throw in homework and basketball practice!
Today’s teens are really intelligent people so we’re not even going to attempt to make their decisions for them or force an opinion. It’s our job to present the information and give them space to sort it out for themselves. Peer to peer mentoring accomplishes that and so much more!
With the use of Peer to Peer mentoring students are given the opportunity to positively impact their peers.
When students are given to opportunity to open up and be themselves in safe environments, they create healthy relationships.
We help facilitate those healthy Peer to Peer relationships through training and engagement of upperclassmen students as they lead group with their underclassmen peers.
How may we serve?